Found in Nature (#2)

Class Inquiry: FOUND IN NATURE

Bird Nests

    Materials found in this nest:
Twigs, leaves, flowers, moss, White Birch tree bark, dirt, grass, straw, plastic wrapper 

Measurements of this nest:
  • Diameter is about4.5 in.
  • Height is about 3.75 in.

I wondered what other materials do birds use to build their nests, and how do they do it?

Un-raked leaves and twigs left in a corner of the yard can provide a variety of material for birds to use when they are building their nests in the spring. also add these materials to make it more attractive for birds to nest in your yard.
  • Yarn cut in small pieces
  • Human or Horse Hair
  • Feathers
  • Grass
  • Small twigs
  • Leaves
  • Sheep's wool
  • Feathers
  • Cattail
  • Moss
  • Bark strips
  • Pine Needles
  • Cotton
  • Some other materials that birds use are snake skins, cellophane, spider silk and aluminum foil.
**Refrain from using dryer lint as laundry detergent and fabric softeners may leave unwanted residues that can be harmful to the birds.

Birds can often be identified based on the composition of their nest. The chickadee uses moss, grass and small twigs to line its nest. 
I wonder if this was a Chickadee's nest?!
(What is Naturally Used as Nesting Materials?

Activities for children related to birds and their nests:

  • Collect materials that are safe and healthy for birds to use to create their nest. Remember nothing plastic or dryer lint. Scatter materials on the ground outside in early spring. Notice if any materials go missing, look around for new bird nests. 
  • Go on a scavenger hunt outside to gather materials needed to build a bird nest. Set out materials, liquid glue, paper plates, and smocks. Encourage students to use their creativity and what they have learned about bird's nests to build their own nest! 

Children's books related to birds and their nests:


Snake Skins

This snake skin measured out to be ___ inches long!

If you look closely you can still see the pattern of the snake's skin. The under belly part of the snake skin is different than the top part. These scales are much bigger and stacked in a straight line going all the way down the belly.

 I wonder why the scales are different on the belly than the rest of the snake's body. Do these scales help the snake move or with digestion?

The scales of a snake primarily serve to reduce friction as it moves, since friction is the major source of energy loss in snake locomotion. The ventral (or belly) scales, which are large and oblong, are especially low-friction, and some arboreal species can use the edges to grip branches. (

Snakes have four ways of moving around. Since they don't have legs they use their muscles and their scales to do the "walking". (
  • Serpentine method
  • Concertina method
  • Sidewinding
  • Rectilinear Method

Snake movement explained through simple science! 

(Written and edited by KevinWeiTV)

Activities for children related to snakes:

  • Students can use plastic colored pattern blocks to create snake skin patterns. Provide a variety of images and books for students to look at and use as a guide when creating their snake skin pattern.
  • To practice fine motor and spatial perception children can make snake patterns by stinging beeds onto a pipe cleaner or piece of yarn.

Children's books related to snakes:

I love National Geographic for Kids!


I wonder if the color and pattern on the butterfly's wings has any relationship to where the butterfly lives or ability to hide from predators. 


Jungle Queen 

Stichophthalma howqua

Described by John O. Westwood in 1851, and can be found in Asia.

 Horizontal length is about 3.75 in.
Vertical length is about 3.25 in. 
Diagonal length is about 4.25 in.

Yellow Orange Tip
Ixias pyrene

Named by Linnaeus 1764, can be 
found in Sri Lanka, India and southeast Asia.

Horizontal length is about 2 in.
Vertical length is about 1.75 in. 
Diagonal length is about 2.25 in.



Mimathyma schrenckii

The first description was in 1859 by Ménétriés, this butterfly can also be found and is native to Asia.
Horizontal length is about 3 in.
Vertical length is about 2.25 in.
Diagonal length is about 3.5 in.


Activities for children related to butterflies:

  • After learning about the butterfly life cycle students can use art materials such as pipe cleaners, tissue paper, construction paper, and pom poms to illustrate thier new knowledge about the four stages of a butterflies life.  
  • Symmetry is one math content I think of when ever I think of butterflies since a butterfly's wings are naturally a symetrical pattern. Encourage students to create their own butterfly symmetry artwork by simply painting one side then folding over the paper to transfer the paint to the other side. Open up the paper to reveal a beautifly, symmetric butterfly. 

Children's books related to butterflies:


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