Endangered Animals and Habitats (#25)
Endangered Animals and Habitats:
The endangered species include one in four mammals, one in eight birds, one third of all amphibians and 70% of the world’s assessed plants. The total number of extinct species has reached 785 and a further 65 are only found in captivity or in cultivation. In the last 500 years, human activity has forced over 800 species into extinction.
Learn more about the animals and how you can help
Videos, information, and ways to help endangered animal
Mission Animal Rescue, educates about most endangered species, but also teaches how to rescue them.
Activities For Children Related to Endangered Animals and Habitats:
- Wrapped up in plastic
Have children put a rubber band on their pinky then over the back of their hand and on to their thumb. Try to pick up as much bird feed as you can at a time using only the hand that is wrapped up. This simulates what it would be like for a bird or other animal to eat with plastic wrapped around it's mouth.
Try this same activity with the 6 pack plastic rings wrapped around your hand.
- Placing animals in their habitats
Animal Habitats Puzzle Boards
Children can practice sorting and learning where each animal belongs. Further their exploration with information about the climate, plants, predators and pray of that habitat. Research specific animals to find out how they survive, what they eat, and more.
I created a Padlet about the Antarctica,"an application to create an online bulletin board that you can use to display information for any topic. You can add images, links, videos, and more."
by John Burningham
"One night, as a little boy goes to sleep clutching his pajama-case dog, he drifts off into an elaborate, imaginative journey by train. But what's this? One endangered animal after another--an elephant, a seal, a tiger--tries to join the boy and his dog on their global junket. At first the boy and his dog are reluctant to let the animals on the train--"Hey! Get off our train!" they shout--but as each critter explains its particularly dangerous situation, they welcome it on board."
After reading the story, allow children to act it out. Prepare a set of endangered animal card by drawing or cutting pictures from magazines. If children are old enough, have them research about the endangered animal and write briefly why that animal is currently in danger of extinction or provide information for younger children. Set up boxes or chairs in a line to represent the train. Choose one child to be the conductor and sit at the front of the train. One by one as the players approach the train the conductor says "hey, get off my train!", to which the player will reply "Oh, please may i have a ride?" then explain the reason why their species is endangered. The conductor will choose which animals get to ride.
After playing this game discuss with children the current problems faced by these and many more animals. Discuss the food chain and how some animals rely on other animals to survive, and without them they are also in danger of extinction. Brainstorm ways to help and advocate for the protection of our animals and habitats.
How Can You Help?
- Start by sending a letter to your local representatives: Mission Animal Rescue Example https://kids.nationalgeographic.com/content/dam/kids/photos/articles/Nature/H-P/Mission%20Animal%20Rescue/MAR%20Letterhead%20for%20Kit.pd
- Dedicate lessons to teaching students about endangered species.
- Study an Endangered Animal, the more we understand animals, the more we can empathize with them.
- Advocate and tell others about what you have learned and ways to help our animals and habitats
- Start a Petition, create posters, and establish tables at local stores to spread information and awareness.
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